Tod Kozel

825 days ago

Karma: Tod Kozel of £1 billion ramp Gulf Keystone infamy sent to prison for 5 years

Do you remember when Gulf Keystone (GKP) was the darling of the Bulletin Board Morons?  Its market cap surged to £1 billion as its lying charlatan of a founder and CEO Tod Kozel claimed it had reserves greater than Shell.  The self described “Tod Squad” of Bulletin Board worshippers insisted that folks like myself, Lucian and Was Shakoor who called out Tod’s bogus claims and the insane valuation were being reported to the FCA and would go to jail. Oh what sweet irony…


3699 days ago

Could Gulf Keystone go to 0p?

This is not a question that the legions of Gulf Keystone (GKP) shareholders want to consider but they should now accept that this is a possibility – however remote. How they must wish they had followed grossly overpaid CEO Tod Kozel in dumping all their stock last year.

The position of Gulf is not now about fundamentals but about game theory. There are a number of parties involved – let me elaborate.
